Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Music is an important part of our lives, but did you know that it also has a great influence on our bodies? Music can do wonders, especially when we are stressed and tense. It helps us to clear our heads and relax.

How music influences our body

Music can influence our bodies in different ways. When we listen to music, our heart rate is regulated and our breathing is adjusted. The production of hormones and neurotransmitters is also influenced by music. Thus, music can soothe us, relax us or lift our spirits.

Some studies have even shown that certain types of music can promote the healing of diseases. For example, Mozart’s piano music can help children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to concentrate better. Other studies have shown that music therapy can improve memory and speaking skills in Alzheimer’s patients.

So music can influence our bodies in many ways. So if you’re not feeling well, try listening to your favourite music – it might do you surprisingly well!

The power of music on the body

Music has an incredible power over the human body. Through the vibrations of the music produced by the instruments, the cells of the body can relax or stimulate themselves. Music can raise or lower the pulse and regulate blood pressure.

Most importantly, music is able to influence our mood. If we listen to sad or tense music, we may also feel sad or tense. If we listen to happy and energetic music, we can also feel happy and energetic. When we humans imagine the power of music, we may first think of impressive performances of operas or symphonies. We see ourselves in front of the great orchestra producing a multitude of sounds with its instruments and we listen to the first violin holding it all together.

But the power of music extends far beyond the limits of human experience. Indeed, even animals can benefit from its power.

A well-known example is the so-called ‘Growing Up Musical’ programme for dogs, in which puppies aged between eight and sixteen weeks are regularly exposed to music. The study showed that dogs that listened to music subsequently behaved less anxiously in new situations than dogs that did not.

But there are other examples of the positive effect of music on animals. Some farmers even use music to milk their cows! Cows produce more milk when they hear soft sounds, and when they hear the same melody repeatedly, they even learn to recognise it.

Birds too can benefit from the power of music. One study showed that birds that listened to classical music laid more eggs than those that did not. And in another study, it was found that captive birds lived longer and were healthier when they regularly listened to classical music.

So which animals can benefit from the power of music? The truth: all animals! So next time you’re listening to your pet music collection, don’t forget that it might be good for your pet!

So music can help us regulate our moods and balance our bodies.

Which instruments are best suited to influence our bodies?

Music is a language that everyone can understand. It can make us laugh or cry, soothe us or upset us. But did you know that music can also influence our bodies? By choosing the right instrument, we can influence our bodies in many ways.

For example, fast, frenetic sounds can make our pulse quicken and make us nervous. On the other hand, slow, soothing sounds can help us to relax and unwind. So when you are trying to put your body into a particular state, it is important to choose the right instrument for the job.

For example, if you want to relax, drums or pianos are the most appropriate. On the other hand, if you are preparing for an exam or if you have to do strenuous physical work, it is better to listen to music more quickly. Here are some of the best instruments for different purposes:

Drums: Drums are perfect for those who want to relax or warm up their bodies. The rhythmic movements and sound of the drums help to relax the body and warm the muscles.
There are also soothing drum sounds, such as the sonodrum.

Piano: Pianos are ideal for those who want to calm down or concentrate. The gentle sounds of the piano can help to calm the mind and increase concentration.

Guitar: Guitars are ideal for those who have energy or want to be motivated. The high-pitched sounds of the guitar can help improve mood and stimulate the body.

What impact does music have on our health?

Music can influence our well-being and health in many ways. It can relax us, lift our spirits or even put us to sleep. Many people use music to feel better or to relieve physical pain.

There are different types of music therapy, all of which focus on healing or alleviating illnesses and disorders. Music therapy is often used for people with autism, depression, Alzheimer’s disease and other illnesses.

One study has shown that music therapy can improve the mood of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The patients in the study listened to classical music for 30 minutes a day. After six weeks, the patients and their relatives reported that their mood had improved. The study also showed that the effect of music therapy lasted longer than the effect of a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Another study showed that music helps treat depression. The study examined the effects of so-called ‘antidepressant’ music on people with mild to moderate depression. The study participants listened to specially selected pieces of music for 30 minutes each day for the treatment of depression. After six weeks, the participants reported that their depression had improved.

Music can also have a positive effect on people with autism. A study has shown that children with autism who receive regular early music education develop better language skills. The study involved 36 children aged 3 to 5 years. Half of the children participated in early music lessons, while the other half did not receive any early music lessons. After one year, the children who received early music education showed significantly better language skills than the children in the control group.

Music can therefore have a positive influence on both our mood and our health. If you suffer from an illness or disability, you should therefore consider whether music therapy is suitable for you.


Music can influence our bodies in many ways. By playing an instrument we can improve our motor skills, sharpen our perception and positively influence our emotions. In a fast-paced world, it is important to take time to do things that give us pleasure. And what could be more enjoyable than improving yourself at the same time? So sit down at the instrument of your choice and let the music begin!